dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2012

"You'll be in my heart" performance!

On Monday we finally performed the song that we had been working on during the term "You'll be in my heart", by Phil Collins. We have spent lots of hours working and preparing it, and we think we deserve at least a Grammy award! 
Here you have the result, we hope you like it as much as we liked to do it! J

El dilluns finalment vam interpretar la cançó que havíem estat treballant durant el trimestre "You’ll be in my heart", de Phil Collins. Hem passat moltes hores treballant i preparant la cançó, i creiem que, com a mínim, ens mereixem un premi Grammy! 
Aquí teniu el resultat, esperem que us agradi tant com a nosaltres ens va agradar fer-ho! J